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Editing, Leadership, & Team Building


In the second semester of my sophomore year, I had the opportunity to become an editor intern. I learned how to provide constructive feedback and build meaningful relationships with my writers. Editing has given me new perspectives on journalistic writing through reading others' work and has taught me to be highly observant to catch all the nitty gritty mistakes. My role as an editor is to help my writers improve, thereby strengthening our entire publication.


Playing the New York Times games became a daily routine for me and a group of four others. We enjoyed it so much that we decided to incorporate a games section into our own publication. To kick off our games section, we started creating themed weekly crosswords with around 15 hints each. We used Amuse Labs, a website that allows online game creation. After creating the crossword on the website, we used the embed code to publish it on SNO.


Crossword: Mother's Day Trivia

This was the first crossword I published on Scot Scoop. I chose a timely and relevant theme since Mother's Day was on Sunday, and I published the crossword the following Monday. I aimed to mix easy and slightly challenging hints, with the goal of ensuring the player had fun while solving it. I wanted to avoid making it so simple that it could be solved immediately, but also not so difficult that the player would become frustrated. The hints included topics about the holiday, famous mothers in the media, and general knowledge about mothers.

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